Become a Liquidity Provider
- Liquidity Provider License:
Any company wishing to operate as a liquidity provider must submit an application to the Financial Services Authority to obtain a market maker license through the following link: . The license must be renewed every three years.
- Liquidity Provider Registration:
After obtain the license from FSA, you would have to register through MSX registration form through the provided link .
Registration must be renewed annually, and registration is automatically suspended or canceled in the event of the suspension or cancellation of the license.
- The stock exchange may register a liquidity provider to operate on more than one financial instrument. The stock exchange may also approve the registration of more than one liquidity provider to operate on a single financial instrument.
- The liquidity provider shall conclude a liquidity Provision contract with the issuing entinty according to the form prepared for that purpose, and shall submit a true copy of that contract to the stock exchange for approval. The stock exchange shall not be legally responsible for the implementation of the contractual obligations contained in the contract.
The issuer shall immediately disclose the conclusion of this contract in accordance with the rules governing it on the Stock Exchange. The disclosure statement should include the agreement period and the name of the liquidity provider for the financial instrument covered by the contract.
In the event of the termination, expiration, or renewal of the liquidity provision contract, the liquidity provider must inform the stock exchange. The issuing entity is also obliged to promptly disclose such events through the exchange's electronic platform, following the established procedures in this matter.